How Interest Rates Affect the Houston Housing Market

Interest Rates and How They Affect the Houston Housing Market Mortgage rates have been in real estate headlines for a long time. The mortgage rate was lower than 5% for about ten years and under 3% for a year. Now the headlines focus on the recent sharp and incredibly quick rise in rates. Focusing on […]

4 Factors that Affect Your Mortgage Rate

4 Factors that Affect Your Mortgage Rate When the Federal Reserve Board is the agency with the authority to regulate monetary policy. When the Fed determined that the rise in inflation in 2021 was not “transitory,” it began to raise the prime rate to curtail inflation. The prime rate is the foundation upon which mortgage […]

Home Prices in Houston: What is Ahead

Home Prices in Houston: What to Expect A popular saying is purported to be both a curse and a blessing: “May you live in interesting times.” The things that make life “interesting” are often both stressful and beneficial in random ways. The current real estate market is seeing a fair share of interesting times. One […]

Houston Real Estate Market Update

Watching the Real Estate Market With real estate volatility, plenty of people have been sidelined, waiting and watching to see what will happen next. During nearly two years of record-low mortgage interest rates, it spurred a tremendous real estate buying spree. Now the interest rate is at a 10-year high.1 In a seller’s market, home […]

Houston Real Estate News: Q3 Update

Q3 Houston Real Estate News Houston Real Estate is cooling off, with the sale of single-family homes dropping for the second month in a row. Normally this is unexpected and unwelcomed news for Realtors, but not the case this time. “The scorching pace of Houston housing throughout most of the pandemic was completely unsustainable, so […]

Houston Home Inventory At Highest Levels Since November 2020

Houston Home Inventory At High Levels The purchase of a home, for most Americans, is the largest single purchase a person will make in their lifetime. Since residences are very personal, many homeowners forget they are investing in a market and like every financial market, the housing market is volatile. Market volatility is driven by […]

How a Real Estate Agent Can Help Buy a House from a Builder

Let a Real Estate Agent Assist in Purchasing a Home from a Contractor With a limited inventory of homes, builders are building new homes again. For many home buyers, the opportunity to buy a new house is a dream come true. If buying a home is a complicated process, then buying a new home directly […]

Buying A New Home BEFORE You Have Sold Your Current Home

Buying A New Home Tips Each buyer and seller entering the real estate market enters with unique circumstances. One family may need to sell quickly to move across the country, while another couple downsizes in preparation for retirement. A most difficult situation arises when a property owner must buy a home before they put their […]

What is the True Cost of Selling Your Home

The True Cost of Selling Your Home Selling your home in a competitive market can be complex, especially for inexperienced sellers. A little information can help sellers manage the cost of selling your home. Here is some basic information concerning the costs associated with selling your home. When Selling Your Home, Consider a Pre-Sale Inspection […]

4 Reasons to Hire a Real Estate Agent to Sell or Buy a House

How a Real Estate Agent Helps Sell or Buy a House The time has come for you to sell your home. The details are still being worked out for your next residence, but the timing favors you since this is a “seller’s market.” Rumors are that homes sell fast at a premium rate, so you […]